LGIM’s Climate Impact Pledge: The results so far
"We are publicising the global corporate leaders and laggards on climate change."
In this piece, we are ‘naming and faming’ those companies that are indeed excelling in taking real, positive action to meet one of the defining challenges of our era

A year ago, we had a clear message for the companies in which we invest: ignoring climate change is a financial risk. We would use our rights as major shareholders to put pressure on them to help accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
We called this our Climate Impact Pledge – a commitment to engage with 84 of the world’s largest companies, alongside analysing, scoring and ranking them against their peers to improve their strategies to address this challenge.
As part of the process, we also said LGIM would make public the names of some of the best and worst performers, alongside examples of best practices that we would like to see adopted more widely.
One year later, we are seeing many companies taking positive steps. From banks to oil and gas producers, businesses are responding to our demands and embracing the advantages of sustainability. This reinforces our belief in the value of engagement, which is core to our role as a steward of our clients’ assets.
In this piece, we are ‘naming and faming’ those companies that are indeed excelling in taking real, positive action to meet one of the defining challenges of our era; we also highlight those where there is significant room for improvement.
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Climate Impact Pledge
Download the latest version of our Climate Impact Pledge report and learn about our scoring criteria.
Climate Impact Pledge
The world is facing a climate crisis. Inaction is not an option. Download the latest version of LGIM’s Climate Impact Pledge report, which details our targeted engagement programme to achieve net zero, and learn about our scoring criteria.
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